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What Does a Gynecologist Do?


What Does a Gynecologist Do?

Gynecologists are physicians who specialize in diagnosing medical problems relating to the female reproductive system. They are trained specifically to examine the patients, diagnose the medical problem in the vagina, uterus, ovaries et cetera and treat the various diseases, infections, or complications on the female reproductive system.

The Gynecologist can work in public or private hospitals, clinics, medical facilities, and the experienced once can set up their private practices.

However, there is a need to understand the difference between the gynecologist and the obstetrics. The obstetrics is a field of medical practice that is specifically concerned in taking care of pregnant women. They provide natal, pre-natal, and postnatal treatment or care, and they can be involved in surgeries.

It is also possible for a doctor to specialize in both gynecology and obstetrics at the same time, and such physicians are called Obstetrician-Gynecologists (OB/GYN).

What are the duties of a gynecologist?

To diagnose and treat diseases related to female reproductive organs

The gynecologist should appropriately diagnose the disease, infection, or complication affecting the female reproductive organs. The physician should follow the exact process of treatment in addition to helping the patients understand their responsibility in the treatment process.

It is also the duty of the gynecologist to handle advanced equipment and treatment methods for all female reproductive organ cases which are best in the industry.

Therapy prescription and medication

It is the responsibility of the gynecology to prescribe or administer the right therapy meant to cure or prevent disease, injury, or disorder of the female reproductive system. They should prescribe or administer non-intravenous medications.

Collect, interpret and maintain patient medical information

The gynecologist can collect medical information of a patient from other professionals or family members. It is his duty to record patient medical histories, interpret, administer the prescribed drugs as well as maintain the provided information.

Care for women during pregnancy and childbirth

Part of the Obstetrician-Gynecologists (OB/GYN) responsibility is to care for women during prenatal, natal, and postnatal periods.

If necessary, the experienced one will be involved during surgeries as well as a guild the patient during the entire delivery process. The physician can also provide healthcare and other consulting services to the nursing mother on her reproductive system.

Monitor the condition and progress of each patient

The gynecologist should be able to monitor the progress and condition of each patient and also give professional advice on reproductive system disease prevention, female hygiene, diet, and lifestyle choices.

Can coordinate the activities of caregivers and provide health and wellness advise to the community members and program participants.

The gynecologist should have excellent communication skills

The gynecologist should have an outstanding personality and should conduct him/herself in a polite enthusiastic manner to patients. The professional should create a welcoming environment to allow patients to become free to communicate all their health issues.

Lastly, the gynecologist should regularly get upgraded to advanced treatment and diagnostic methods in the industry. At Harley Institute, we have experienced gynecologist that can handle both critical and uncritical cases, and they are available to answer or attend to all your female reproductive system concerns.